Donate Donate



Weekly Offering during our weekend services by cash or cheque. To ensure your donation is receipted, please place your donation in the offering envelopes and fill out the front in full.

  • Cheque and cash donations can be mailed or dropped off at KBC Monday - Friday; 9-3 (465 Hazeldean Rd. Kanata, K2L 1V1)

Pre-authorized Giving allows you to choose a consistent amount and regular mid or end of the month withdrawal. Forms are available on the information table in the foyer or Click Here to download the form. If you have any questions please email 

E-Transfers can be accepted when sent to

Canada Helps allows you to donate via credit card. If you would like to donate online, please use this link to our Canada Helps donation form.



Thank you for supporting the Ministries of Kanata Baptist Church.  


The spending of funds is confined to the programs and oversight of Kanata Baptist Church Congregation Inc.

Gifts designated toward a church project will be used as designated. 

Please note donations are not refundable. Contact the church office if you should have any questions.