Ministries Missions


Mission & Ministry Opportunities

The following are ongoing mission and ministry opportunities:


Kanata Baptist Church will be running the Alpha Course over the next year

Alpha Course: Check back for dates
Cost: Free

Location: Kanata Baptist Church; 465 Hazeldean Rd, Kanata.

Questions or to let us know you are coming: Contact the office at 


KBC is one of the founding members of the Kanata Food Cupboard which began in 1985 with 5 other Kanata churches. The primary function is to supply emergency food to those in need and it operates 5 days a week. Volunteers are welcome Wednesday mornings from 9:30 until noon to sort donated food. KBC provides volunteers on a 6-week rotation for 1-2 hours to package boxes of food for families in need. You can help with your time or with donations. Food bins for non-perishable goods are located at several Kanata grocery stores. Contact the KBC church office (613-836-3145) if you would like to volunteer your time.


Open Table is a free community dinner jointly hosted by Kanata Baptist Church and Kanata Community Christian Reformed Church. It is held at Kanata Baptist Church on seven Saturdays throughout the year. Volunteers are always welcome. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry to the families in our community, please contact the church office.

Up Coming Open Table Dates 
Free homestyle dinner and dessert. Doors open at 4:30pm, Dinner served at 5pm.

  • October 26, 2024 - Roast Beef
  • November 30, 2024 - Lasagna
  • January 25, 2025 - Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
  • February 22, 2025 - Beef Pot Pie
  • March 29, 2025 - Roast Pork
  • April 26, 2025 - Turkey
  • June 14, 2025 (BBQ) - Hamburgers & Hot Dogs

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MINISTRY (Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship)

Volunteers are always needed. It could be something as simple as cleaning up after a dinner, just like you do at home. It could be having a conversation over a meal, telling a young person about yourself and your city or Canada. It could be helping someone improve their English conversation skills. Or it could be inviting a student into your home to enjoy a meal or a special holiday with you and your family. Extra help and interest is always welcome. To volunteer, leave a message for Sheila Williams through the Church Office (613-836-3145)


Refugee Support is a ministry at KBC begun in the fall of 2015. We sponsored one family who arrived in Canada August 2016 and we helped this family adjust to their new life in Canada. A second family was assisted in 2019 to bring a family member to Canada. Currently we are working on co-sponsoring five other families to join family members already settled in the Ottawa area. KBC is assisting with all applications which are submitted to IRCC via CBOQ. The families are accepting responsibility for the families once they arrive, however KBC is ready and willing to assist with some monetary assistance or donation of required items as necessary. 

Monetary donations to assist these families may be made at any time. Please see the Donate page. Requests for any specific items will be communicated as needs are known. 


Mission Trip for Youth, Adults, Families

KBC is sending a team to Digby, NS July 11 to 21 to assist Digby Baptist Church. Mornings will be helping with a Vacation Bible Camp program July 14-18. The theme is "Scuba: diving into friendship with God."  Afternoons will be for other service/outreach activities. Examples of help can be (but not limited to): assisting station leaders (activities, games, and crafts), joining the music team, assisting crew leaders (leading a group of 5 kids between stations), food/snack prep.  There will be opportunities to explore Digby and Annapolis regions, plus the Bay of Fundy for whale watching. 

Applications for Missions Trip to Digby, Nova Scotia


Walking Together: We are all treaty people

This online speaker series was held October-November 2020. Click Here to access the event information, details, and session recordings. 

The following are mission and ministries that we prayerfully support:

Ken and Cheryl Creech and family – with Wycliffe Bible Translators

Marijke Rombeek – Eastern Ontario Regional Ministry Coordinator for OMF

Kari Yli-Renko - with Power to Change; Leader Impact Group, Ottawa

Tet Yeap and Sheila Williams - outreach initiatives with international students in Ottawa