Ministries Women
For Women



Women caring for women and bringing them closer to Jesus Christ

Women’s ministries at KBC provides a caring community for women to assist them in growing in their faith and to enable them to reach out in love to friends, family and the world around them. Various events are held throughout the year. 

For more information about women’s activities contact the church office

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

All women are welcome to join our virtual or in-person studies. Come for welcoming fellowship and to spend time with us in study and prayer. The coffee and tea will be on! BYO Mug.

Studies take place every Wednesday morning, starting at 9 am, and running until 11:15 am. The fall session runs from September to early December. We resume in January and meet until mid-May.

The winter session starts on Wednesday, January 22. See you then!

Two new studies are being offered:

  • Revelation (precept study)
    "of all the books of the Bible, none has sparked more interest, curiosity, or disagreement than the book of Revelation" (Kay Arthur, founder of Precept Ministries). Revelation begins with a vision of the resurrected and ascended Christ and His words to seven first-century churches in Asia Minor that were facing a range of challenges: persecution from without, false teaching from within, temptation to compromise with the surrounding pagan culture, and spiritual lethargy. Sound familiar? It seems that everyone has an opinion on what it's all about. Yet of the 66 books comprising the Word of God, this is the one that promises a special blessing to the one who reads it and to those who hear and heed its words. But how can we heed something we don't know or understand? Although we live in the present, an inductive study of this book helps us to polish the lens through which we view eternity. The words of Revelation are faithful and true, and thus, worthy of our study, of our understanding. We have an opportunity to exercise our spiritual senses to discern what the Lord says about the things which will take place.
  • Ezekiel (online option offered)
    During a time of uncertainty and turmoil, Ezekiel is taken captive and exiled to the land of the Babylonians. There the Lord appeared to him in a vision  and commissioned him to prophesy to His people. Through these prophecies a number of themes emerge: 1. Sin is serious and bears consequences. 2. God is faithful to judge but also to redeem. 3. (Repeated about 30 times) "then they will know that I am the Lord." God continually reveals Himself in the midst of troubled times, along with wonderful promises for those who belong to Him.

Contact Organizer

Ministry Room

Studies occur in the Fall, Winter, And Spring.
Coordinated by Marquita Yli-Renko

Ministry Room Fall Series ‘In View of God’s Mercies' by Courtney Doctor! 

Romans is all about the gospel. The gospel is all about Jesus, who He is, and what He has done. It is the greatest news ever given to mankind. In this series we will gain: A deeper understanding of the gospel, a greater resolve and ability to share it, and be transformed by it!

  • Location: Kanata Baptist Church
  • Dates: October 10 - December 12
  • Time: 7 - 9pm
  • Cost: $5.00 + study book (details below)

Watch the trailer below:

For this series a study book is required. You can purchase one from Amazon for approx. $30.00 at this link: (or shop around, you may be able to find it for less).

The study book includes: the teaching videos, small group questions and the weekly study material.

I am so excited to study the book of Romans together. I believe God has called us to this series. Like Paul may we be completely captured by the beauty and majesty of God and see anew the power and mercy found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Let me know if I can count you in! 

Contact Organizer

Kanata Baptist Quilters

This group of ladies meets the first, third and fifth Thursday of each month from 1-4pm. All are welcome regardless of experience.

Women's Advent Brunch

Watch for then new date for Dec 2025.