Ministries Student Ministries

Student Ministries

At KBC, our goal is to partner with parents as they strive to lead their youth towards Jesus in meaningful and tangible ways. We endeavour to craft a safe space where students can learn to be vulnerable, are challenged in their faith, and encouraged in their spiritual growth. We strive to walk with students during their journey from adolescence to adulthood, leading them to develop the tools they will need to take ownership of their faith and to be self-engaging in the Christian community by the time they finish high school.  Wherever a student falls on the spectrum of faith, from seeker to mature believer, our passion is to lead students closer to Jesus, help them to discover their gifts and to provide them opportunities to get plugged into community.

YOUTH CALENDAR January 2025 - JUNE 2025

Hub App

Parents and students can keep up to date on events, announcement, and weekly lesson plans through The Hubs App

Please contact Adam Giles at to join the Hubs group after you have downloaded the app.

Base Camp logo

Base Camp (Junior Youth) is a time of encouragement for self-feeding their relationship with God; as well as a chance to start to build an on-going relationship with the youth and show them how much we value and care about them.

Junior Youth

  • Tuesdays 6:30-8:15 pm – youth group (worship, lesson, and games for grades 6-8)  

Contact Adam Giles with any questions

No Jr Youth - March 11 for March Break

Summit Youth

Summit (Senior Youth) is where we start encouraging the youth to start thinking about their faith as a personal choice. It is where we guide them on their path to making their faith their own instead of something they may have adopted from their family and what it means to plant their flag for Christ.

Senior Youth Group 

  • Thursdays – 7:00-8:45 pm– youth group (worship, lesson and games for grades 9-12) 

Contact Adam Giles with any questions.

No Sr Youth - March 13 for March Break

Sunday Morning Live (SML)

SML, for Jr and Sr youth, takes place on Sunday mornings during the school year at 10:30am. Youth start in the sanctuary to participate in worship and then move to the youth room to engage in a lesson and discussion.

On the first Sunday of the month (communion Sunday), SML will not happen and the youth will remain in the service

No SML on March 9 for March Break

Bible Quizzing

Kanata Baptist Church is participating in the Bible quizzing program for students in grades 6 - 12. 

Regular meetings will be on Sundays from 11:30am - 2pm at the church.

Come eat together, have fun, memorize scripture, apply God's word, and compete against youth from across the province.  

Contact Organizer

Upcoming Events

No other name

No Other Name

This is a conference run by Ottawa youth pastors meant to bring the city's youth together to celebrate Good Friday. The event is always filled with engaging speakers, workshops, and worship. 

NOTE:  We must sign up as a youth group. This event sells out every year. We do not know when the event will sell out. We highly recommend signing up before March 28 to ensure there is still space.

Where: Cedarview Alliance Church
When: April 18, 2pm - 10pm

Cost: $42.00

First Sign-Up Deadline: March 28
Second Sign-Up Deadline: April 11 (No guarantee space still available if you sign up for this deadline)

Register HERE

Digby Missions Trip

Digby, NS Missions Trip

Mission Trip for Youth, Adults, Families July 11 to 21

KBC is sending a team to Digby, NS July 11 to 21 to assist Digby Baptist Church. Mornings will be helping with a Vacation Bible Camp program July 14-18. The theme is "Scuba: diving into friendship with God."  Afternoons will be for other service/outreach activities. Examples of help can be (but not limited to): assisting station leaders (activities, games, and crafts), joining the music team, assisting crew leaders (leading a group of 5 kids between stations), food/snack prep.  There will be opportunities to explore Digby and Annapolis regions, plus the Bay of Fundy for whale watching. 

Applications for Missions Trip to Digby, Nova Scotia